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What to do if you lost your kitten?

- Check the house thoroughly as they sometimes hide in the house in unexpected places.

-Check underneath your cars, in the car engine area, wheel wells and around the bumpers.

-Ask neighbors all around you to check garages and sheds as they can sneak in undetected.

- Put his/her bedding and a piece of your unwashed clothing outside the last door he/she exited the house from.

- Hang flyers with his/her picture and post all over your neighborhood & surrounding areas.

- Take the flyers door to door asking if anyone has seen him/her.

-Walk your neighborhood calling his/her name and listening as he/she may be hiding in the bushes or under something.

- Take a flyer to the shelter. - Put a sign in your yard with his/her picture stating he/she is missing.

- Check the shelters in person.

- Review shelter's found reports.

- File a lost report with the shelters.

- Post on,,,, Craig's List, Tabby Tracker. Paw boost, local newspapers

- Check found reports at the shelter and on the websites.

- Indoor only cats and limited outdoor access cats never go far. They go into survival mode and hide

in silence. They will not always respond to you, most don’t. 3 AM is the best time to find a missing indoor only cat. This is the time they become most active and responsive. Place some dirty socks and pillow cases outside. Your scent will attract your kitty. If you have a garage place the items near the garage door and crack the door enough for him to get in. DO NOT leave food or litter box outside, it can attract predators and aggressive Tom cats.

- Don't give up, it can take weeks to find a missing indoor only cat. Use a flashlight as late at night as you can to look in trees, under cars and in bushes. Try to look for the glow of his eyes. Survival mode last 5 to 14 days. Once their hunger gets to a maximum they snap out of it but this is a dangerous time because they come out of hiding.

- Make mini flyers and hand them out to your neighbors. Most people don't pay attention to posted flyers. It's VERY VERY important that you look for him as late at night as you can. If you have other cats, watch them. If they are spending a lot of time looking out a certain window, that’s a good indication the missing cat is in that area. Wildlife and motion activated cameras are also helpful

                                                              Don't give up hope

Information above is provided courtesy of

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