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Want to adopt a kitten?! 
You have come to the right place!

Welcome to SD Kitten Rescue

We specialize in kitten care and happiness so that we can find purr-fect homes for each and every little life. We also believe that a socialized kitten should be indoor only and feel very strongly in that belief. Siouxsie and Daphne paid the price for that. That is why we honor them with their names in the name of our rescue, SD Kitten Rescue. We love cats of any age too! Every little life matters to us and we take pride in our hard work and dedication. Please head over to our adoptables page to see which kittens will be your next best friends!

If you are ready to submit application for adoption, please read below and click start button below to fill out our adoption application form

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Please consider a $5.00 application processing fee. We work very hard on a voluntary basis and tend to receive a large volume of applicants, which we do love. However, we feel our time is more valued when we receive serious applicants. So Please consider donating to a great cause, the kittens will love you for it!

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